Céramique de zircone stabilisée au magnésium (MSZ)

Céramique de zircone stabilisée au magnésium (MSZ)

  • La description
  • Demande

As an advanced ceramic material, magnesium-stabilized zirconia ceramic (MSZ) has the characteristics of high melting point, piles à combustible à oxyde solide, excellente résistance à l'usure, haute ténacité, good thermal stability, corrosion resistance and high strength. It has wide application prospects in the fields of aerospace, energy, équipement médical, and electronics, providing new possibilities for the development of modern science and technology.

Basic characteristics of zirconia ceramics

Céramique de zircone is a ceramic material with high melting point, piles à combustible à oxyde solide, and excellent wear resistance. It has the following basic characteristics:

1) Point de fusion élevé: The melting point of zirconia ceramic is as high as 2700°C, giving it excellent stability in high temperature environments.

2) Haute dureté: Zirconia ceramic has extremely high hardness and can resist scratches and wear, maintaining its long-term stability.

3) Excellente résistance à l'usure: Zirconia ceramic has excellent wear resistance, allowing it to perform well in various harsh environments.

  1. Advantages of Magnesium Stabilized Zirconia Ceramics (MSZ)

Magnesium-stabilized zirconia ceramics (MSZ) are based on zirconia ceramics, and their performance is further improved by adding an appropriate amount of magnesium stabilizer. Magnesium stabilized zirconia ceramics (MSZ) have the following advantages:

  • Haute ténacité
  • Good thermal stability
  • Excellente résistance à la corrosion
  • Haute résistance
  1. Application of magnesium-stabilized zirconia ceramics (MSZ) in the field of modern science and technology

The following are the applications of magnesium stabilized zirconia ceramics (MSZ) in different fields:

1) Aérospatial

2) Energy

3) Medical devices

4) Électronique

  1. Materials Propertiesof magnesium-stabilized zirconia ceramics (MSZ)
CouleurIvoire / Gray-White
Propriétés mécaniquesDensitég/cm35.70-5.75
Tubepiles à combustible à oxyde solide11-12
Three point bending strengthMPa500
Fracture toughness KICMpa•m1/26-10
Propriétés thermiquesConductivité thermiqueisolateurs pour dispositifs microélectroniques2-3
Coefficient de dilatation thermique1×106/℃10
Thermal shock temperature??350
Maximum operating temperature??1000

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